Fund Development Training Held as part of EU-funded Elderly Rights Movement Project

The Elderly Rights Movement Project, funded by the European Union within the scope of the Cypriot Civil Society at Work VII Grant Program and implemented by the Elderly Rights and Mental Health Association, successfully completed the fundraising training organized on March 11 and April 8, 2023.
On the first session of the training held by Cemil Hafız for the members of the association, general information on fundraising, target audience, products and channels, fundraising methods and structure were explained.
On the second session, fundraising strategies and implementation were discussed. In addition, the participants were divided into two working groups and drafted a one year fundraising strategy of the association. The strategies were read one by one and discussed among the members, and the 1-year strategy plan was successfully completed. The Association of Elderly Rights & Mental Health, together with the team formed after the training, will develop an operational plan to implement these strategies and implement the fundraising activities in a more planned and successful way.

This publication has been produced with the financial support of the European Union. The content is entirely under the responsibility of the Association for the Rights of the Elderly and Mental Health and does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.

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