Who we are

Elderly Rights and Mental Health Association was founded in Famagusta in 2018. It is the first non-governmental organization established in Northern Cyprus to draw attention to the problems of the elderly and individuals with mental health problems, to defend their rights and to make them visible in society. The association, which has been operating since 2018, has successfully implemented two European Union projects and one Norwegian Active Citizen Fund-supported project between 2019-2024. There are more than 300 members of the Elderly Rights and Mental Health Association, which strives to create the necessary legal and institutional environment for the elderly living in Northern Cyprus to continue their lives in a safe and peaceful environment.

Board of Directors

Prof. Dr. Hatice Jenkins,
Semral Erel,
Emine Esen,
Emete Baylan,
General Secretary
Ece Balcı
Prof. Dr. Sibel Dinçyürek
Emine Sarı
Fatman Gürmanoğlu

Board of Directors Alternate Members

Prof. Dr. Hasan Amca
Senal Amca
Ayşe Demir,
Alterrnate Accountant
Prof. Dr. Mürüde Çelikdağ
Sinem Tözün
Ayşe Özgöker
Fatma Özgöker

Board of Auditors

Bige Betin
Asst. Prof. Dr. Asiye Yeter Başaran
İpek Özden,
Alternate Auditor

Board of Disciplinary Members

Dr. Kenan Başaran
Dr. Elif Şenyücel
Zehra Yeşilada
Besime Güresun,
Alternate Member


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