Minister Pilli informed NGOs about the Kalkalı Nursing Home (24.02.2022)

Health Minister Dr. Ali Pilli met with a delegation consisting of the chairpersons and administrators of the Universal Patient Rights Association, the Elderly Rights and Mental Health Association, the Alzheimer’s Association, the Cyprus Turkish Pharmacists’ Association and the Cyprus Turkish Bar Associations.

In the statement made, an initiative group was formed after the events in the Sınırüstü Elderly Care Home, and after some allegations about the Kalkalı Nursing Home, the representatives of the initiative organized the meeting to get information from Health Minister Dr. Ali Pilli.

Health Minister Dr. Ali Pilli emphasized that their main duty is to advance health, that permanent solutions will be put forward for this, that he is very pleased with the visit, and that existing problems can be overcome with cooperation.

Minister Pilli noted that the supervision and control of nursing homes for the elderly is the duty of our state, that an investigation has been launched in line with some allegations made in the Kalkanlı Nursing Home, and that he occasionally visits the nursing home and receives information from the authorities.

Stating that an investigation has been started at Kalkalı, Minister Pilli emphasized that this process will proceed with transparency, so a delegation that will attend the Ministry of Health doctors and teams, as well as representatives of non-governmental organizations who came to visit today, will visit the Kalkalı Nursing Home and conduct an on-site investigation.

Stating that all the deficiencies will be completed in the Kalkanlı Nursing Home, Minister Pilli stated that whatever is necessary will be done for our people to receive better health and care service.

Stating that the number of patient caregivers will increase in Kalkanlı, Minister Pilli emphasized that legal studies are of great importance, that they will be in consultation with non-governmental organizations in this process, and that he is pleased that the relevant associations will also support legislation in this sense.


Source: BRTK


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