Silent Scream Letter Competition 2023
- AIM: The aim of the annual Silent Scream Letter Competition, which is being held for the fourth time by the Association of Elderly Rights and Mental Health, is to draw attention to the problems and needs of our elderly people, and patients with mental health conditions, to increase their visibility in the society and to defend their rights.
Competition launch date: 19 April 2023
Deadline for entries:30 May 2023
Announcement of winner: 26 July, 2023
- Only individuals living in Cyprus and Cypriots living abroad can participate in the letter competition.
- The members of the board of directors of the association, the members of the letter competition selection committee and the first-degree relatives of both board members cannot participate in the competition.
- Letters that have been awarded in any other previous competition cannot be sent to the competition.
- Those who have participated in the competition before cannot send a letter on
the same subject for the second time
- COMPETITION THEMES The letter to be sent to the competition should be based on real life stories of the elderly and mental health patients, and their relatives. Letters describing imaginary or unreal events as real will be excluded from the competition. It is important that the length of the letter is at least 250 words. You can participate in the competition with a letter about mental health or the elderly as stated below:
- Mental Health: It should describe the experiences of an individual with mental health conditions, the reactions of the society against them due to their illness, and the issues that affect their quality of life, such as exclusion and abuse, if any. The patient or their relatives can write the letter.
- Elderly Rights: There should be letters written by them or their relatives on issues such as unfair behaviours that elderly individuals are exposed to, exclusion due to being old, neglect and abuse, lack of care and helplessness.
Participants should write their name, surname and a contact telephone number at the end of the letter. Participants who do not want to give their names can write a pseudonym but still need to provide a contact number.
If you need any information, you can contact these telephone numbers: 0548-0548 4065 / 0533-8649955 / 0542-8883010
Please send your letter to: - PRIVACY & ETHICS
None of the participants’ letters will be shared with anyone without written and verbal approval. Based on the consent of the entrant, the association may use contents of their letter for awareness raising/fundraising activities. Award-winning letters can also only be shared with the permission of the entrants. - SELECTION COMMITTEE:
The Selection Committee will consist of members of the Association of Elderly Rights and Mental Health, and will consist of at least three people with knowledge and experience in the relevant fields. It will also include representatives from competition sponsors Albank and Asbank. - EVALUATION & AWARDS:
a) Etkinliğe gönderilecek tüm mektuplar Seçici Kurul tarafından yapılacak puanlama yöntemi ile değerlendirecektir.
b) Mektuplar aldıkları puana göre en yüksek puandan en düşük puana doğru sıralanıp yarışmada birinci, ikinci ve üçüncü gelen yarışmacılar belirlenecektir.
c) Mektup yarışmasına katılan tüm katılımcılara, ödül alıp almamasına bakılmaksızın katılım plaketi/belgesi verilecektir. - COMPETITION RESULTS
The winners of the competition are notified in written and verbal communication, and the awards they win are presented to them in person at an award ceremony. The results of the competition will be announced via e-mail, press, social media and the website of the association. - PRIZES:
- First Prize: 5000TL
- First Prize: 4000TL
- Third Prize: 3000TL
This competition is organised with the support of our sponsors, Albank and Asbank. We thank them for their contribution.
Download the competition details POSTER (DOWNLOAD)GOOD LUCK!
See the previous Silent Scream Letter Competition winners of: 2020, 2021 and 2022